Write for us! Get the guest posting opportunity from Expose world . Our unique tech blog that covers all the niche such as Business, Games, Apps, Lifestyle, SEO and a lot of other categories to write. If you have the content on our favorite subjects we will definitely love to post your content on our Blog to attract a huge number of audience. These are the best method to show your experience and guidance to the world with the aim that they can start and develop their business. We will provide the best and cheap services to our customers, so don’t hesitate to write us. If you have a relevant article so come forward, if not and you want us to write for you, still contact us at exposeworld2023@gmail.com.
Guest Posting Guidelines:
- Only unique, relevant, original and well-written content will be accepted. Don’t waste your time if you have used the article everywhere before providing us. We will use all the plagiarism tools to check it.
- Posts should be 800 -1200 or greater words.
- High quality images related to subject are appreciated.
- Proper SEO optimized article will be highly encouraged.
- Finally, all links in the post should be relevant and quality websites.
- 1 link per 350 words is ideal, max 2-3 links excluding author link will be.
- We look forward to get your advice related our site and article improvement.
- Easily readable article and divided into sections with subheadings will be preferred
- We will look forward and encourage those who linking back to their post in the future articles – so please write and provide something best linking to.
What articles we accept?
we can accept your articles related to the following categories.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Business
- Cryptocurrency
- Digital Marketing
- Entertainment
- Fashion
- Gadget
- Gaming
- Internet
- Lifestyle
- Software
- Social Media
- Technology
- Travel
- eCommerce
Drug-related sites, payday loans, gambling or adult websites are not accepted.
Articles will not have Sponsored/Guest Post Label it will look 100% natural and have permanent DO-FOLLOW link.
Benefits of Guest Posting:
To get a do-follow backlink from a high authority website is the main goal of guest posting. It helps ranking your site on the Internet and helps you to get a higher position on search engines. Guest posting benefits include SEO(Search Engine Optimization) that’s is its goal. Here are some of the benefits of Guest Posting:
- To improve your Domain Authority
- To get huge number of audience
- Increase Social Media followers
- Improve your writing skills and experience
- Backlinks from high authority sites by guest posting improve your site SEO.
Special terms to Find site offering Guest Posts
Following are the terms to find out sites offering guest posting opportunities.
- “write for us” SEO
- “write for us” AI
- “write for us” Finance
- “write for us” Technology
- “write for us” Digital Marketing
- Business “write for us”
- Technology “guest post”
- Technology + “write for us”
- Business blog “write for us”
- Technology blog “write for us”
- Technology blog “submit an article”
- Technology + “write an article” + guest post